A beautiful scent

I have fallen for you... but not in a tipsy trip over you shoe laces when your 6 kind of way...
I have fallen for the smile that lights up my whole world...
I have fallen for the laugh I yern to hear... u seduce me and we have never touched physically... I wait for you and not in time... because with you I am the farthest thing from earth....  u are the closest to mythical I have ever been near... my mind sees vivid images of places and times I have never seen... a million hours spent with you feel to short... I miss you before you leave me... I have fallen for the way you make me feel, its unlike anyone or anything... a rush if you will that floods my mind charges my senses like a current of electricity struck from the sky on a stormy night... I have fallen for the way you saved my heart from feeling alone... I have fallen for the way you've made me feel like I mattered... I have fallen for the way you smell it's the closest thing to walking through a field in the spring chasing a beautiful butterfly... imagine being able to capture the essence of something so beautiful with the aroma that emits from a person...


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