In my complete chaos
you came in like a storm
demanding my attention fought with thoughts of distraction from my world in which felt like it was ending
yet you brought with you a sense of calm a solidity something unheard of in a person you have known less than a few hours
you intrigued me
unable to understand with any type of mental reasoning
with ease
trust was developed
I told you that I just knew you were meant to be in my life
I still can see your face from that night
I remember being at war with my thoughts fighting with what made next to no sense in a way I craved for you to come back when you left me there for only moments knowing that you could save me from the fall I was teetering on the edge from
who is this woman and why does she have any bearing on saving me
I had faith that you were put in the right place at the right time
predestined by something or someone much bigger than you and I
I'm grateful for the smile you bring to my face
Validity was absent for so long in love and life
you seen me not only with your eyes but with your heart
its easy to turn the other cheek but you didn't
you reached out to me intentions only you know and I want to find out...


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