
Emotions are hard to stop...
you can throw them away but like a boomerang if they are real they will return... I have been told that if you bury them they will only eat you alive... so the way I deal is to walk through the fire whether with that person or not let the emotions burn... you will either come out untouched or burnt to the ground to rise again like the Phoenix...
Emotional images flood my thoughts Whether Im awake or asleep... I could escape and fill my time full of thoughts to shut them down but the beauty of memory isn't worth wasting... At one time it's was all I wanted...
A smile that could give the blazing sun competition...
Eyes that could create a dream no mind could imagine... this has to be felt...
Have you ever seen things that you have no idea where the images come from... To feel with immense intensity....
Magnetic is the only word that comes to mind... I feel you... I fight you...
My soul has been branded with you... my thought feelings and fears it's you... I can only take with me these memories...


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