
Im trying so hard to let go of the fear that just took over my heart..
It felt like 1000 explosions going off in my chest
I walked into your world
Then you became mine
The whole time going through pain from a broken heart
u were the glue mending it back together
I fought it
having morals that you were taken
But taken by a monster that has kept you in a prison of unhappiness
I wanted to be that knight swiftly moving through to capture your heart and call you my own
I got the the opportunity to tell you how I felt
perhaps at the wrong time or the right time that I just cant see yet
You are so bright to me
I was holding onto you with every ounce of strength one can posess with out physical force
You have brought the best out of me speaking in poetry
beautiful to the world only meant for your heart to hear
-caspers expression


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