She chased love as a teen craving to feel that she wasnt just passing by
like she was craved wanted and needed by another
finding her prince charming not once but twice to leave her in complete destruction entrusting in these men to hold her heart as delicate a glass after being put in a fire shattered in every way shape and form
she finds her Angel
in mind and spirit seemed like her unspoken prayers were answered
bringing in the most beautiful gift in the world her daughter
still in search for somethhng she could not understand what was missing
money success and a family she had searching in the desert the sand representing the thoughts of the mind
the heat burning the skin that shields the heart causing the mind to lose focus
years pass by
thoughts of warped fantasies enter her mind she fights them not knowing if this is the devil speaking to her mind or god shining light on what she has been chasing since her childhood
trying to fill an emptyness that blame was placed from something else that was missing
There is a silver lining that came to her from a feminine touch
craving to feel physical passion from a woman
the confusion in her mind creates a fight everyday waking up wanting needing to feel what she has sought out for what seems like centuries craving just to feel whole...


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