I have sounded like a begger on the side of a road at times craving for the acceptance that my deepest fears will not be magnified and seen as crazy
experiencing love that was gone in hours creates a fear of abandonment
you have brought me a gift most people cant even fathom to dream about
u have brought purity in your laugh
solidity in your touch
a stare in your eyes the looks through to my soul
trust is something earned that like a theif stealing for their child you have taken
You have relaxed my fears with your words to reassure that u are here
I question if its something I have created in my head
I know there are questions unanswered
I believe in time you will look me in the eyes and tell me I have loved you for a while but I could not convey my truth
I never thought a touch could be charged like combustion of fuel from a flame 
Gasping for breath from only the sound of breathing
Heavily charged a rage of passion and devotion takes over control like an auto pilot
The fear of losing something so powerful scares me more than losing my life because to go on living and to never feel this again would be worse than death


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