I have a song that I listen to when I write not all the time but a lot. These dreams by Heart.
It made me wanna write this to you when I seen the pic

To hold hands and to feel your fingers intertwined together with mine represents a closeness a surender to say I got you and you got me
I have yet to hold your hand but to me the idea and the thought makes me smile
it is a representation of intimacy
To reach for my hand solidifies I care about u and I want you to know that im here and I got you
Its just such a confirmation
In a strom over a lake of desire and the depth of emotion your voice fills the air and speaks to my heart moves my spirit with the simple but powerful words I missed you
A beam of light illuminates from your lips also known as a smile
Floating through the air flower petals represent the scent of passion
the earth shifts from the colliding of two hearts with something words can not describe
two lives change and begin a path neither of us could ever imagine
happiness would hope and dream to feel what you make me feel everyday
Like Triton holding on to his trident grasping to never let go of the power to make you smile from within
The fear like a rose losing its last petal to lose something so pure and so real would be a tragedy
And I remind you why I call you my muse


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